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Pollo in Fricassea is a delicious and simple dish that brings us back to wonderful times in Italy around our friend, Patrizia's table. She always knew how to make meal time with family and friends a celebration. Pollo in fricassea is just one of those delicious comfort foods that remind us of serene times at home with those you love.
Fricassea comes from the french word "fricassée". It is a term used to indicate the cooking of meat, usually chicken or rabbit which is first seared in a pan and finished off by braising the meat in some wine or broth. It is then finished off with a creamy sauce consisting of lemon and eggs. Today we prepared it with a little twist as we only used chicken thighs (it's usually all parts of the cut up chicken) and we also added some mustard.
Let's get started.
8 Chicken thighs - usually cut up pieces of a whole chicken are used, but this is what I had in the refrigerator.
3 yellow onions sliced - you can also add garlic with skin on - aglio in camicia
1/2 cup white wine - also some chicken broth (I did not have any on this day)
Salt and pepper to taste
Juice of one lemon
1 egg or 2 egg yolks
1 Tbsp mustard
Hot pepper flakes
Parsley for garnish
Olive oil to coat bottom of frying pan
Preheat skillet.
Cover bottom of skillet with olive oil.
Generously salt chicken on both sides.
Place each chicken thigh, skin down on hot skillet.
Leave chicken untouched for about 15 minutes.
Halfway through searing, place cut onions around the chicken and sprinkle with some hot pepper flakes or black pepper.
Once 15 minutes are up, flip each chicken thigh. The skin needs to be a nice golden brown color.
Continue browning on the other side for an additional 15-20 minutes or until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches about 160°F.
Add the wine half way through cooking and allow it to "sfumare", evaporate or cook out.
Now crack the egg in a bowl and add the juice of one lemon and the mustard. Mix well. You can also replace the egg with two egg yolks only, without the egg whites.
Pour the egg, mustard and lemon sauce over the chicken and immediately remove the pan from the heat source. The egg will continue cooking with the heat of the chicken and pan.
Top everything off with the chopped parsley and serve immediately.
Serve it with either a salad or a green vegetable and some delicious potatoes.